Lockdown series, A New Evolution
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one which is most adaptable to change”
Charles Darwin
Lockdown, Quarantine, Containment; these are just not a new lexicon we are learning but a way of life we are adapting to, coping with and living in the last six weeks. The corona-virus pandemic has brought our lives almost to a pause. A pause while we sit back and await this phase of uncertainty to pass, a pause when we all assess our routines, our lifestyle, our relations, our emotions and our surroundings. Every human is questioning what it brings in its wake in the coming days. What will be the new normal for each of us? Across India, while we are at the end of Lockdown 2.0 and moving to Lockdown 3.0, it is imperative that we prepare ourselves for the next version of this lifestyle in the near future.
The day zero, 22nd March 2020, Janta Curfew, dawned on us as a surprise. With just a handful of cases in the district and less than 100 in the country, we were clueless to this complete shutdown that would bind us in our fore walls. After the initial few days, it has been tough being inside home 24×7, handling home chores without domestic help, managing kids who could not play outside or caring for seniors without full-time support. Gradually we all designed and evolved a new daily routine with working at home, online learning for kids and virtual chats with family and friends.
We are holding ourselves abreast with a plethora of emotions storming within us. Some of us are building closer bonds with our partners, seniors and kids, with more personal family time while others experiencing anxiety, depression, domestic conflicts and violence. In addition to the emotional stress, financial stress is pressing on many of us too with jobs being lost or pay-cuts, businesses closed and industries at a standstill mode.
This may not be status quo for much longer but returning to the life we had at the beginning of this year, maybe a far-fetched possibility. The transition we are undergoing will help us to embrace the new ‘normal’. It may be a few more weeks to meet family and friends, visit malls and cinema halls, or kids returning to school. Soon we may step out for work or go to markets wearing masks and carrying sanitisers.
We are realising our dependency and importance of people like the healthcare workers, medical professionals, sanitation workers, police force, our domestic staffs etc. and how they make our daily lives seamless without much fanfare. We may be looking at them in a different light now since they are our lifelines.
There was a day when many condoned the idea of virtual lives and social media, but today that is the mode we are most dependent on to keep us sane. At all ages, we are learning and adapting to learn the technology for daily routines. Be it working from home and conducting virtual meetings, kids attending online classes and educators adapting themselves to teach through new media or seniors learning to use the digital platforms to connect to their dear ones. Globally we may see the digital space being excessively used in the coming months that could well build into a practice. Virtual connectivity will be essential for everyone.
While we have these challenges, the worker class and economically weaker sections have been struggling for their basic needs of food and shelter. While government and non-government agencies, charitable organisations and many volunteers are working diligently to help and support them, they are in a displaced space and unsure of what the next day holds in store for them.
We have also the nature and its beauty flourish in the lockdown period. The clear skies with pollution-free air, the musical chirping of birds in the silent surroundings, the sparkling greens around us have enticed us and left us spellbound. Are we ready to let all this vanish in thin air? How can we retain some of this glory when the wheels of movement begin?
The Lockdown series may continue with gradual relaxations depending on our city becoming Covid-free, though our inhibitions and our fear of the devil’s attack will continue to live within us for a long while. Social distancing will be the key to survival when we leave the safety of our homes. We have to accept this new reality with the changing geographical and economic climates and evolving ourselves to a new life.
Till then … Stay Home, Stay Safe!
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I am among those who are ready to accept the change… this new normal. I my self was a food freak and would give in to every opportunity to eat out- roadside, fine dining never really mattered. Unfortunately as they say kids learn more from your behaviour than from what you sit down to teach them, my children too loved to gorge on seekh kebabs/momos/pizzas/ rolls/burgers/midnight snacks, without much attention to dietary rules taht we all have learnt in our early school years.
After 40 days of lockdown, I feel the pride to say, I have maanged to keep them happy and satiated with my culinary skills. They too have taken up cooking as an adventure and enjoy exploring.
The whole family has learnt to enjoy and survive on healthy home cooked food.
If locking up humans within their homes can bring in such a big change, it surely is worth it!!!